Because of some recent stressful events, a loss of a relative and the Holidays being around the corner, I've decided to step away from blogging for a bit. I want to make sure to take every moment as slowly as I can and truly appreciate everything and everyone around me during this special time of year.
My recent loss of a relative has come as a bit of a surprise. She's the relative you think will stay with us forever. Her noodles, turkey and kindness were the best part of Thanksgiving, she'll always be remembered for them, and no one will be able (or try, for that matter) to duplicate them. The fact that her passing occurred right before Thanksgiving is more than just a coincidence in my mind. She was an amazing great aunt to me, and a wonderful sister, wife, and friend. She will be sorely missed.
I'll be back, but in the meantime, I humbly ask for some sweet thoughts sent my way and please, squeeze your relatives a little tighter this Holiday season.
Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone :)