Showing posts with label Wrigley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrigley. Show all posts


Say Cheese!

Hooray! Thanks so much for the kind comments about my new living room arrangement! You all have some great ideas about what I can do to fill the empty spaces throughout.

First up? Options for blown up pictures to be framed and hung above the couch! I'm almost positive Kinko's prints large, high quality photos. Has anyone done this? Any suggestions? Tips?

Onto the potential pictures, I'd love to know which two or three you love the most! All photos were taken by me or TBF.

Famous statue in San Diego

Mission Bay Marina. Taken outside of TBF and my hotel in San Diego. I love boating, and these boats look very similar to my dad's, so this picture definitely holds a special spot in my heart. It's funny how a photo taken in San Diego can remind me so much of home and my family.

These beverages were enjoyed almost immediately upon arrival after a long trip out to San Diego. That meal rocked, too.

This one is also very close to my heart. This is Wrigley, as some of you know and this photo was taken on the back porch of my parents home. They're trying to sell the house, and I grew up in this house, so I've been trying not to take for granted every second I visit home because it may not be "my home" the next time I'm there.

This photo was taken on TBF and my one year anniversary, right after spending some time at the Art Institute.

A cute photo of Emma, my niece, taken on my parents patio area. She's trouble :)

This is definitely a contender. I love this photo of Emma.

This was taken on TBF's birthday, I surprised him with a lake front boat tour. So much fun!

Another favorite. Can you tell how much I love Mister Wrigley? :)

Which ones are your favorites? Decisions, decisions!

Happy Hump day!


So I've Been Tagged...

Trish from Pink Preppy Lilly Lover tagged me in this lovely game. Thanks Trish! I rarely participate in these, but I liked this one.

So you want to know some random facts about me? Here we go!

Favorite color?

Green. Green. Green. I love green. It's calming and classic.

Favorite restaurant?

This is a toughy. Luckily TBF and I live in Chicago, where there are thousands of restaurants. We have been trying to find our favorite restaurant for quite some time, and I think for me, it's a tie between Blue 13 and Topolobampo.

Blue 13's service, atmosphere and food ROCK. Literally, the walls and servers have tattoos on them, and there is indie rock playing in the background. Please note, I'm not really that kind of girl, but I still dig it. Most importantly, the food is so so so good people. If you have a chance, please go.


Next up, Rick Bayless' Topolobampo. One word: Ceviche. This course will have me coming back over and over. I had no idea Mexican food could taste so delicious. Try it. Make reservations. Way in advance.


DIY anything. When I was looking for a job after graduation, which thankfully didn't take long, I was going to purchase used furniture off of Craigslist, spice it up and bring it back to life, then sell it for more. Random, I know, but I love it. I love jazzing up old items with some paint and fabric. It's incredible what can be made out of old items. Not convinced? Check out this blog which does a nice job displaying this.

..and boating. I love boating with my family. There's nothing better than being out on the lake with a cocktail, my family, the dog and a good magazine.

What does your room look like?

Well, my room is a 500 square foot studio. No worries though, I've mastered the layout and thoroughly enjoy the space. My "room" is my bedroom, office, living room and (insanity) gym. The main color scheme is white and black with touches of green (of course) and the style would be classified as modern. As some of you know I'm a DIY freak, so all of my projects cover the apartment, including but not limited to a painted lamp, all of my paintings, a rehabbed dresser, a shnazzy table, and this desk will be painted a glossy white during my time off between jobs.

If you could have dinner with two people, dead or alive, who would they be?

This is such a difficult question. I think I'd like to have dinner with Lady Gaga and Jenna Lyons, the head designer for J. Crew.

Lady Gaga for obvious reasons, she's wack and super interesting, and Jenna Lyons because duh.

This woman has a massive hand in carving the tasteful and classy apparel trends season after season. This is no easy task and she rocks it out every time.

What is your next big splurge?

I've been looking into the perfect weekend bag/duffle for awhile now. Since going home for weekends over the summer to go boating, I've realized my longchamp isn't quite large enough, and my small suitcase is just silly. so, I've discovered my need for one. And not just
any one, a fantastic one.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Thankfully my new job with a bigger paycheck begins soon...

What is your favorite joke, quote or saying?

Just like my about me says, "If it's not fun, you're not doing it right." I've also been digging, "I'm only as strong as the coffee I drink and the hairspray I use."

Anything else you would like known? (A random fact)

I love dogs. A lot. I have my retriever/lab at home with my parents, Wrigley, but I'm dying to get one here in Chicago. I won't for a long time though, I can't because A. I want to give him/her plenty of room to roam and my 500 square foot studio won't allow that. B. I want to be near some grass in general, I'm on the 9th floor of a building surrounded in concrete. C. I'd prefer to not be concerned about what the hell I'd do if the poor thing suddently needed to go to the vet, would I have the funds to care for it?

For now, I can still look, say "PUPPYYYYYY!!!!" like an idiot when I see one and accidentally pet every other cutie that struts by. No additional space or funds are needed for that :)

OK! Don't hate me, but now I'm passing this tag along to whoever would like to play.

YES, I'm talking to you! Yes, you! Just do it because I like learning new things about you!

Happy hump day :)


Weekend Recap + Baby Shower (Finally!)

Another weekend has come and gone and this one was extra special because it was (finally) the weekend of my sister-in-law's baby shower, which I've been talking about for quite some time.

I took Friday off of work and headed down to central Illinois and ended up being so distracted with catching up with my parents that I totally forgot about my usual
Fancies, woops! I hadn't been home since Christmas, so we had plenty to talk about over drinks and din din.

Onto the shower details! Saturday was chock full of baby shower goodness. I'm happy to report that it was a blast! The
flowers and cupcakes were delicious and everyone seemed to have a nice time, especially my sister-in-law, who the shower was for.

Here's a picture of my little setup.

Click on the picture to enlarge!
I don't know why, but this is the only picture I ended up taking! Another dessert was added later so the table didn't look as bare, but I liked how the flowers and cupcakes turned out.

TBF's gift to my brother was a hit, too. He loved it!

Unfortunately I didn't get to see Emma, my niece, but I did get to spend plenty of time with Wrigs.

So it's back to work and I'm already looking forward to Friday for some major R & R time.

Happy Monday!


What Freck Wants More Than Anything (Well, Right Now Atleast..)

What I want.

More than anything in the world??

Ever, ever??

Is a puppy. a dog. I want one so badly, but I can't get one because I live in a teeny tiny studio, I have a 9 to 5, and I don't have quite enough disposable income yet to responsibly take care of the little pup like I'd should.

Fortunately, this weekend when I go home to go to my sister-in-law's baby shower, I get to see my puppy. Who's not really a puppy, but a 100 lb lab retriever.

Meet Wrigley.

The cutest most cuddly pup in the whole world and a massive mama's boy (to mama Freck).

You know those people who think their dog is the best dog in the entire world and would crush every other dog in a world's most awesome dog contest?
Yep, that's me
. And all those other people who are like me would lose to Wrigs :)

Side note, doesn't Mama Freck do a nice job with her flowers on the deck?

Wrigley is named proudly after Wrigley Field, where the Chicago Cubs play. My dad (and I) love the Cubs. My mom and older brother love the Cardinals and Busch doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, nor is it as classy as Wrigley. ;)

I also get to see this little booger, Emma, my niece, this weekend. Can't wait!

And here they are together!

She loves Wrigley. She wanted to let him in but didn't quite know how.

See you soon Wrigs :)

Happy Thursday!