Showing posts with label Smorgasbord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smorgasbord. Show all posts


Smorgasbord Thursday

So of course when I have my special boot outfit (boots + black sweater dress + black tights) all good to go last night, I couldn't wear it today because I woke up this morning to over a half foot of snow on the ground.

I wouldn't dare trudge through the wicked snow with those boots on

Oh Chicago, you amaze me.

Sigh..the outfit will have to wait until next week. Thanks so much for the advice, it really helped!!!

A kid across the row from me yesterday received a massive arrangement of fruit flowers. Fruit flowers rule. Delicious and nutritious.

I’m ready for a vacation.

Advice question numero dos of the week – where should I go that won’t break the bank for TBF and I? An all-inclusive vaca sounds incredible but I don’t really know where to look besides the basic sites (orbitz, southwest, etc.)

I could always win $25k like my old high school show choir teacher did. Isn’t he a hoot?

Anyone else ready for
Spring so they can break out the new trends? Yes please!

T minus 2 days until Gaga and tomorrow is Friday.

First week back from holiday vaca = almost complete.


Another Smorgasbord Post!

Yes, I can't complete a sentence/thought today because my thoughts are all over the place. What's that mean? A smorgasbord post!!

If that's not appealing to you, then know that the most adorable niece in the whole friggin world is at the bottom!
  • Remember when I was pondering about what to wear on Christmas while sitting around the tree opening presents (or whatever tradition you have)? Well, today I'm imagining I'll wear this ...
  • It's a winter wonderland out here in Chicago today, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
  • Nota won on Sing Off last night! I was rooting for them, so I was so pumped. AND they sang Down by Jay Sean who actually came out on stage and sang with them!
This isn't the finale but I can't resist, I just love how they sing it! Jenn knows what I'm talkin about ;)
  • I'm still pretty homesick since I can't be at home right now and I really want to be. I'm trying to think about how these feelings will disappear as soon as I get home. It helps a little :)

  • I may get to work from my apartment tomorrow, which is a teeny bit fabulous. Being able to work out in the morning and then work in jeans? Yes, please!

  • TBF's fam got in late last night, I'm really happy they made it in safe. They drove all the way (to Chicago) from DC, where all the snow is!

  • Congrats to Andy and Jeanna on their engagement! Jeanna was the first person I met when I started college in Chicago way back when. I'm lucky that she and I are still so close, I can't say enough nice things about her. Their engagement is also pretty exciting because FRECK introduced them!! Hip hip hooray! They're pretty much perfect.

  • Is anyone else finding it difficult to take the time for yourself and work out? I skipped yesterday as well as a couple times last week simply because it's so cold out and I keep thinking about gifts I could be wrapping or cards I could be writing. Hopefully I get a good work out in tonight.

  • ...and here is my beautiful niece Emma. I adore this little one so so so much!
Is it weird that it makes me nervous to post her pic? I may end up taking it down...

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Smorgasbord Posts Are The Best

Ahhh, another smorgasbord post. Wednesdays tend to be days where I can't complete thoughts...

Has anyone seen the December computer backgrounds from Smashing Magazine's site? So cute and so many to choose from!

Did you participate in Cyber Monday? I tried my hardest not to, but I ended up getting a lot of Christmas gifts and a little gift for myself. Martin + Osa reeled me in, can't wait to get these in the mail!

What? I needed a pair anyway to slip easily into my new boots (that I'm deeply in love with)!

Does anyone have an account with I must say I was hesitant at first, but TBF made an account for us and we've been enjoying some nice gift certificates lately. It could be a nice gift for someone for Christmas??

Can I vent for a moment about how I'm tired of hearing about the Salarhi's? I love you Today Show, but I'm upset with you right now...I'm tired of hearing about Tiger and the Salarhi's...

Anyway, enough about them. Speaking of hearing too much about specific people...

Careful Freck, your blog will turn into a Lady Gaga blog if you don't watch it" - TBF.

So true. My apologies. I'll tone it down!

Did anyone see Biggest Loser or the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night?! Now that was a great night of television!

Last but not least, I'm so happy and grateful that you are enjoying the giveaway! I seriously think I may order an extra tray for myself when I order the winner's!! I'll also put up a link at the top of my side bar on the right for anyone you'd like to refer to enter for the tray!

Happy Hump Day everyone!!


Smorgasbord Thursday

A couple miscellaneous things...

Sounds like 2 or 3 magazine subscriptions are the way to go. Thanks for the advice :)

Also, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the giveaway! I'm still trying to make up my mind!

I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. I was very disappointed when I realized it was only Thursday and I only got about 5 1/2 hours of sleep. Awesome. Yes, I'm a baby and I can't fully function without at least 7 hours of sleep.
Is anyone watching Dancing With The Stars?? If so, how cute is Kelly Osbourne?! She tries so hard and looks great. She's lost weight, shes just so cute. Anyone with me on that one?

I would now like to share my easy and delicious go-to salsa chicken recipe. TBF and I have made this so many times now because it's so darn easy and delicious. You'll thank me.
  • Grab 2 boneless chicken breasts
  • Prep the oven to 375*
  • Prep the chicken (get rid of fat, maybe do a little meat tenderizing action)
  • Rub taco seasoning on both sides of the chicken breasts and place on lightly greased baking sheet
  • Cover chicken breasts with plenty of salsa, don't be shy, salsa isn't bad for you!
  • Bake for 20 minutes
  • Sprinkle mexican cheese blend over the chicken breasts
  • Bake for 5 more minutes
  • All done when the juices run clear!
*Super yummy with sour cream*

Totally spilled wine on my neutral fabric couch. Awesome. All fabric cleaners leave a ring. What's a Freck to do?

It's almost Friday!


Another Smorgasbord Post...

I know I've been MIA. Let me explain...

After a nice, long holiday weekend, my mind was officially asleep at the start of the week and I was having issues getting back into work-mode. I’ve had to think twice about the simplest things…coffee is my BFF lately.

Holiday recap: TBF and I left Chicago after work Thursday and ran into some serious traffic downtown but then coasted on home to central Illinois from there. We made a pitstop in Champaign to make an exchange (no not drugs, but a makeup bag and contacts) with my sister-in-law. It was only a pitstop because it was her and my broski’s 4 year wedding anniversary. Her car had some gorgeous flowers in them…we Freck's have nice taste..

Anyway, we spent majority of the weekend on Papa Freck’s boat and then out on “the square” in my hometown with fam and friends to have a good time and say hello to some old friends. Even though it was overcast most of the weekend, it was still a great getaway and break from the fast paced city.
It’s back to reality now though: early mornings, corporate 9-5 days and shoving in a workout here and there.

I’m getting really excited about moving in a couple weeks!! Correction: I’m dreading the actual move, but getting really excited about settling into a new place and decorating it. As some of you are aware, I have a lot of paintings to hang and decorate with so I’m hoping to find a creative and clean way to display them all. I still think this type of collage is the best idea:

The first picture displays a good strategy where they taped the same size paper as the pictures to show how it will look on the wall. Another strategy is to lay all the pictures on the floor before you hang them!

I like the idea of mixing letters and pictures into the mix…thoughts? I don't want it to look super duper busy. I want it to still look clean.. I still need to refurbish TBF’s dresser, where has time gone?!

My sunburn is slowly healing.

Does anyone love this? I want to “get stranded”..

You know what I also love? Recently I had din din and drinks with H, and she told me about her favorite dry shampoo from Sephora. Meet my (and your) new love:

Yes, I know it's a bit pricey, but I LOVE IT! Sephora, $21 for the bigger can

I used to use baby powder all the time, but it's difficult to get the white out of my blonde hair. I can't imagine how the brunettes do it! This stuff has gotten me through two days without washing my hair (sorry, tmi for those of you who shower every day, like one of TR's, but for people with weak hair like me, I can't wash it every day if I want it to be strong!!) I definitely recommend it or the powder version which is $19. Thanks, H!

That's all for me this evening...

Happy Hump Day tomorrow!!!



Word of the day:
Smorgasbord: an extensive array or variety: 
The company has a smorgasbord of employee benefits.

TBF had a photo shoot during his work-lunch for a comedy show he has coming up, so I drove him back to work afterward and we passed a store that had smorgasbord written on it and I thought it was a cool word...


This is my first smorgasbord post.

I've been a little MIA. Stupid business law. I will work on it.

17 more "school days" until graduation. Woohoo!

It snowed yesterday in Chicago...what the eff? Mr. Weatherman, could you please make this stop? Its almost April...

Did everyone see the video I posted of the guy who can sing SUPERBLY high?? Lordy.

I'm going home for Easter and bringing TBF with me and I'm very excited. I haven't been home since Christmas.

My birthday is 19 days away and this excites me. Does anyone have any advice as to what I could do? I'm not super thrilled about going out to a bar, although that may be where we end up later on. I was hoping I could just do a fun dinner (aka cookout at the apartment with TR's and close friends)...who knows. Am I getting old if I don't want to be up until 1 am on my birthday????????