
Freck's Friday Fancies IV

I got an apartment yesterday!! It's a studio, but it is the biggest studio out of the friggen 8 that I viewed! It's in a trendy-ish location so I'm excited to start getting to know my new digs and decorate :) I think an Ikea trip is in store...don't judge, I just graduated and start my new job on June 22..

Before I get into FFF, can you believe RHofNJ's finale is TUESDAY?!?! What?! So sad...I'm really looking forward to seeing the scene with the restaurant table flip...

Without further adieu, Freck's Friday Fancies IV:
There is an Argo tea literally 15 steps away from my new studio..so on that note, one item I fancy is...

Ok, so I've never tried it, but it looks really good! Has anyone tried it or like anything else from Argo? I have a feeling I'm going to be there every other day...

In my new place, I'm going to need a lot of shelves like these...

These are precious.

My sister-in-law had these on a couple weeks ago and they are adorable! Express, $39.50

How can I mention ikea and not mention something I fancy there?? TBF has let me borrow his 42 inch Samsung HD flat screen tv, I think it would look pretty on this TV stand..$299, yeahh...maybe I'll find it on Craiglist for cheaper..

Last but not least, I very much fancy all of your tips/comments on my previous post about removing those darn scuffs from shoes!! They look good as new!!! Thank you!!!


MissBliss said...

cute shoes!!

enjoy settling in...

Katie said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you and your new apartment.

Kellie Collis said...

Absolutely divine shoes!!!

CTB said...

Congrats on the new apartment! I went to Ikea yesterday, then came home and promptly took a nap! That place wears me out! :)