The first one is I Love You, Man with Jason Segel and Paul Rudd. Has anyone else jumped on the I want to be Mrs. Rudd bandwagon? I think I may be the driver. Love him. This movie is hilarious, go see it, now.
Gigantic is another movie you should go see. Remember the silent kid from Little Miss Sunshine? He’s grown up a bit and co-stars with ZOEY DESCHANEL. She’s wonderful again, but yet again she plays the same quirky character. Love her, but I wish she’d mix it up a bit! Anyway, this movie is basically quirky and interesting and leaves you wondering what the message is at the end, but I think they do that on purpose so you go look it up after...
This is kind of a random one, Push. When Dakota Fanning is introduced at the beginning of the movie, I wanted to immediately turn the movie off because A. she looks like a crazy with her combat boots and multi-colored hair, and B. she was always annoying in her other movies. HOWEVER, she was surprisingly awesome and I was impressed with her acting. The rest of the movie is kind of difficult to explain, so you should just watch it. Ha. : )
Anyone seen District 9 yet?
Happy Hump day!!!
we watched i love you, man last night :-) and i'm dying to see push as well!
I haven't seen the last 2, but I Love You, Man is hilarious!
Yay! I'm so glad you did this post! First off, I loved I Love You Man, and I will totally jump on the Paul Rudd bandwagon with you! Secondly, I haven't even heard of Gigantic, but I have a girl crush on Zooey so I definitely will RedBox it asap. I felt the same way about the Push previews. Glad to hear it was good. I'll have to grab it too. Ok, and lastly, my husband has been really pushing for us to go see District 9. I can't get into the previews but my brother (who is a big film buff) saw it and really liked it. Then again, he's big on aliens, science fiction, and horror movies so . . . If you see it soon, please let me know how it was. (Ok sorry for writing a novel here!)
They all sound great - I will add them to my queue on Netflix! I have hesitations on Miss Fanning as well, but if you say it's good, I'll give it a shot!
Awesome suggestions! I recommend Away We Go, too.
I'm going to have to watch I love you man now!
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