
Weekend Recap + HSN

Ahh, another Monday. I had a nice weekend, the anniversary din din went well on Friday and I had great time catching up with some girlfriends at a Christmas brunch on Saturday. The rest of my weekend was spent relaxing.

...relaxing/staring at the tv like a zombie...

Ok. HSN sucked me in, they've done it again. As some of you know, I only have basic channels. I
almost made a couple purchases this weekend. Tricky, convincing ladies...

Have you seen this woman? Joy Mangano? She's nuts, but freakin' convincing.

By the end of the day, I wanted to buy her huggable hangers, massive purse + rolling luggage (portable dresser) and steamer.

I've seen her talk like a crazy about this steamer before and man, it looks like it works! Does it? Either way these women are so convincing, I wonder what their job descriptions say...

I've never ordered anything from HSN. Have any of you?? Are these good deals?

Anyone else feeling rather sluggish lately?? I have a nasty head cold that I can't get rid of. I didn't work out yesterday because I kept imagining myself falling off the treadmill (at high speed) because I'm so tired and out of it.

This week my posting will be less frequent because I have some offsite meetings throughout downtown Chicago, sounds more fun than it actually is considering it's going to be cold, rainy and/or snowy on Wednesday!!

I promise I will still announce
the giveaway winner on Friday!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)


jenn said...

those people are so good at their jobs its scary.

i once watched a marie windsor pilates infomercial for like 3 hours and then bought the tapes, convinced i would look like a supermodel. i used them about 2 times.

Gwen said...

I saw that steamer on HSN last night along with this luggage dresser thing. I wanted both!!! LOL!!! XOXO

Katie said...

I've also fallen victim to the infomercial. By the way, you can catch Jersey shore episodes at mtv.com.

Tommy said...

I bought a travel sized steamer when I moved, and it has been invaluable!! (It was not from HSN, though. hehe)

I do buy some philosophy products from QVC because they are way cheaper. My face wash is, like, pennies on the dollar from QVC vs. Sephora. Oh, and I just ordered a kick-A kitchen knife there, too.

Now I won't order anything from there for about two years. I still have my Q Card, though. :) Tah dah!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm always tempted to order the HSN celeb jewelry but have never pulled the trigger.

Kim said...

I've never personally ordered anything from HSN, but my old roommate was OBSESSED and she used to order stuff all the time!! It was crazy because all these boxes would show up on our doorstep. Most of the stuff she got worked and it was nice - but it's definitely addictive!!

Unknown said...

Ooh HSN sucks me in all the time too - I've never bought anything, but I just can't stop watching once I start! And that J Crew coat in the post below? Looooove it so much.