
Weekend (& Wedding) Recap + Anniversary Plans?

What an awesome weekend.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful and it was so wonderful seeing (and boogying at the reception with) friends and TBF's family. I wish I would have snapped a photo of the reception venue without any people in it because it was so charming. (Picture an outdoor venue in a historic district with plenty of brick, does that help?)

I did however get one picture without any people in it of some cool mint julep appetizers that were served at cocktail hour...

Fun, huh?

TBF got some embarrassing GREAT footage of me dancing, yikes. Why do I feel as if that will show up in the vid-veal?

I'm really sad that it's all over! We've been looking forward to that weekend for months! It came and went so quickly...hmph. We won't be seeing some of our favorite people until Thanksgiving...double hmph.

Naturally I'm now trying to think of the next fun event to look forward to, and it happens to be TBF and my two year anniversary this Friday. Whaaat?! 2 years already?? :) Time flies and we couldn't be happier. We're still trying to finalize our plans, any suggestions?

We're planning on keeping it pretty relaxed and going to dinner at the
restaurant where we had our first date, but we're open to some fun, inexpensive options :)

Our 1 year. Oh how time flies... :)

Okie dokie, off to dinner with friends. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!


Freck's Friday Fancies XLVIII

*This was scheduled to post last Friday, sadly Blogger failed me and as you can see, it didn't post. Soo, here it is : )*

TGIF everyone!!

As you read this, I'm either getting ready for a wedding, at the wedding or boogying at the reception :) I'm about to go nosh on some sushi with TBF because we're starving after our flight from Virginia.

So let's get straight to the fancies...

Alright, so I'm still hunting for the perfect, small-ish desk. Are there any favorites from the office furniture selected below?

A corner desk is fun?

Love the detail on this desk.

Love it in white!

Okay, apparently I really love the white I guess!

A lot.

Or the black?

Decisions, decisions...I can't decide!

TGIF! Have Hope you're having a great weekend!


Leavin' On a Jet Plane...

The time has finally come! Our bags are packed, we're all checked in to our flight and I'm officially an antsy pants! Tonight TBF and I leave for DC to attend his best friend's sister's wedding tomorrow.

Didja follow that?

TBF practically grew up with his best friend's family and said best friend now lives in Ireland and we haven't seen him and his wife in quite some time, nor have we met their adorable new baby! We're so excited!

Anywho, I have a FFF scheduled for tomorrow, so that's all covered ;) It's all just a matter of getting to a computer so it posts...

Okay, last but not least, did you see who won American Idol?!?!?!?


I was rooting for him because he has a great story (and yeah because he's from a town very close to Chicago). He had a troubled past and was a paint salesman prior to trying out for the show.

Now? He's the 2010 American Idol. Yay!

Last but not least, I couldn't help but share this little story...So when I got on the L this morning, luggage, dresses and all, as soon as I plopped down, a woman behind me asked me if I was going to a wedding. I said "yeah! I am!" probably a little too excitedly. She then said, "your dress is beautiful" referring to one of the dresses I was carrying in protective, clear plastic. I suddenly was no longer frustrated with my long, hot walk to the L pulling my luggage with one hand and carrying my dresses with the other. It was so sweet and brief, it really brightened my morning. It's the little things. So, thanks lady from Evanston on the L who will probably never read this :)

TGI (almost) wedding day!


Tresemme Dry Shampoo Review

On a dry shampoo knowledge scale, I'd say I'm about an 8.5.

Yep, there are .5's on my scale.

When I saw that Tresseme was coming out with a bottle of aerosol dry shampoo, I was SO excited. A commercial dry shampoo that I could pick up in a drug store?! No way!

YES way!

So I picked up a bottle yesterday, followed the directions and tried it out.

The verdict?

I don't dig it. It may pump up the volume, but my hair felt kind of filmy and wet, even when I brushed it out. Plus, it didn't really take the grease out that had conveniently formed on my humid walk home from work (gross, but I swear my hair was in perfect condition to try this out).

My favorite is still Oscar Blandi's dry shampoo in powder form. If you dig the aerosol form, try out Oscar's, too. Not Tresseme.

No I wasn't asked to write this, just thought I'd share for my other dry shampoo lovah's :)

Happy Hump Day!


Sex And The City 2

So I'm a little sad that I'll be on a plane when most gals are sitting in a theater, with their closest girlfriends next to them, watching Sex and The City 2 with their popcorn in their laps and highest heels on.

I'm hoping to get some of my girlfriends together in the city when I return on Memorial Day to watch it as I saw the first one with some of the same gals. JC? KW? You know who you are... :)

I'm so excited!! This movie is such an incredible day dream and escape from reality. I get lost in the fashion, drama and luxury. So tell me, are you going with girlfriends? Are you waiting until it comes out on dvd? Do tell!

Happy Tuesday!


Weekend Recap + Clutch Ideas

Hello one and all.

This weekend was a blast. On Saturday morning I went and visited one of my best friends ever from high school at her work and although I wish we could have spent more time together, a little is better than nothing!

That afternoon was baby time. I met both my niece and nephew who are just precious and started to visualize a giant Freck family unfold. It was pretty cool because I've never had a large immediate family before, so with the addition of babies and my older brother's wives(and TBF!), I started to see a fun, large family unfold. Not that we weren't fun before, just more quiet :) It's an exciting time!

Sunday afternoon we were greeted by a friggen HEAT wave in Chicago. My goodness is it hot here now! I love it and hate it. Memories of being super hot on the L are starting to come back, but I'll take them since boating season now feels like its right around the corner.

I hope this week goes by fast! TBF and I leave for DC Thursday night (yayyy!) for a fun wedding weekend with his fam and some close friends. So excited!

I'm pretty sure I have my ideal outfit almost down, I'm still looking for a clutch to go with these shoes and my navy dress.
Any ideas?

Cute, right? Too much?
If only this were completely neutral! So cute!
This one's called "Big Buddha" haha!
Big fan of this Buddha, too :)

Happy Monday!!


Freck's Friday Fancies XLVII

It's Friday!!!! Hooray!

After work I'm headed to central Illinois for the weekend. I haven't been home in quite some time so I'm pretty excited :)

Onto the fancies! Have any of you checked out J. Crew's jewelry sale section lately? It's packed! Now that I have my heels, I'm of course looking for accessories. Although the prices are still a bit teensy too high for me, I can still dream of getting some of these.

Here are this week's fancies!



$59 (ya think I love the chunky jewels?)



Soo...where should I look for more inexpensive long necklaces?

TGIF!! Have a great weekend!


Piperlime Love

They. Are. Perfect.

Huge props to Piperlime. I ordered these shoes Tuesday morning and got them this afternoon, Thursday, with standard shipping. That's 2 days, with standard shipping.

Also, the packaging is so cute. I may be biased because my favorite color is green though ;)

How about the actual product though? They're perfect. I knew exactly what size to get (a half size smaller than my normal size) because of the honest reviews and they fit perfectly.

On another note, I didn't know how I was going to feel about the small platform. Turns out, I love it!

I'm so excited to wear them!

*No, I didn't get paid to write this, I'm just sincerely impressed*

Happy almost TGIF!!

I Could Seriously Live Off Of...

Good tortilla chips,

yummy pico de gallo or salsa

and a good wine.

*you may have seen me tweet this yesterday, but I just couldn't help but post about it because IT'S SO TRUE!!!*
One more day until Fridayyyyy!


Video Reveal Deets

So since I cannot for the life of me make a video of myself without thinking "whoa, that's so not me," TBF has come up with a genius idea. Man, this guy rocks.

We're going to my parents house this weekend to (hopefully) meet my new niece and nephew. TBF has a hand-held camera and wants to film me when I'm my most natural self. Doesn't he rock?

I also think he wants to do this because he saw all of the vid-veal attempts and didn't like any because it doesn't look like me, the true Freck, and I agree.

Happy Hump Day!!


I Ordered These Bad Boys Today...

And I'm pretty pumped about it, pun intended.

I succumbed to Piperlime finally. I've been staring at these things for over a month now and decided to pull the trigger after many failed attempts at finding my own perfect pair in a store. The free shipping also helped!

I can't decide if I'm wearing a blue, yellow, purple or navy dress...I know, it's ridiculous and I may bring them all with me because I don't know what the weather will be like in Northern Virginia that day. (Yes, and it's also ridiculous that I've posted about all of those dresses.) Anywho, these shoes will likely go with all of them except the yellow one...yes?

Hope they fit!

Happy Tuesday!


Weekend Recap + Yyyeahh, Not Much

So guess what? I was really productive yesterday. The only item I didn’t complete on my to do list was purchasing a book shelf and that’s okay. It saved me some money which definitely came in handy today when I just changed TBF and my plane ticket to the evening before (rather than the morning of) a wedding we’re attending next Friday.

I should have put on my to-do list yesterday “figure out what the heck I’m wearing to the wedding next week” because I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to wear, and now I’m waffling. Weird. Do you remember last year’s dress debacle? Criminy. Indecisiveness might be one of my worst characteristics, which in turn makes impulsiveness a regular occurrence.
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing…I could go on and on about how my impulsive purchases and decisions have been some of my best, but that’s neither here nor there.

Well folks, another Monday in the books!
Is that the right saying? Whatever, time for wine, DWTS and Castle.


Word of the Day: Productivity

TBF is out and about filming a short film all day today (yay! lead role!), so what does that mean? Ladies, you know what I mean, productivity.

So many activities come to mind:
-grocery store super early in the morning, quiet and heavenly (I hope)
-cleaning every nook and cranny in the apartment
-no really, every nook and cranny
-work on the vid-veal ;)
-walk to my favorite spot on the lake shore drive path
-finally complete the little tasks, which leads me to...

I have some random books lying around that I don't know what to do with anymore. I don't want to give them up, but I don't want to display them all loud and proud (coffee table, tv stand, leaning against the wall on the desk, etc). I don't have a book case because large clunky furniture in my apartment would be overwhelming, I feel like I've thought of every cute way to hide/display/store them.

I was thinking of something like this? Is this the only way?

Or do I need to just purge some other books? Help!

(psst, enjoy your Sunday!)


Freck's Friday Fancies XLVI

Okay, it's Friday and I am SO friggen pumped.

Last night was spent catching up with an old girlfriend (my goodness it had been far too long) then enjoying pizza and margs at a local joint with TBF and some of our bestest friends.

TONIGHT I'll be hanging out with some of the girls I went to Disney with. We skyped the other night, which man, we need to do that more often. I'm so excited to grab some vino and din din with these two gals.

Anywho, onto this Friday's fancies!! I took a gander at Urban Outfitters the other day and holy cutesy poo, I was finding myself browsing for a lot longer than I had intended! Check it out:




I will always be in love with
this chair. Always.


Do you see what I mean?!

Have a wonderful weekend!