I received this email...

and when I clicked through I found these are the dresses they expect us to wear to work... Really? Would you wear these items to work?

The weekend maybe (because helloooo, they're super cute) but work?! Heeeeell no. A cardigan and pearls can't distract from that short hemline. Am I right or am I right?!!
Freck out!
Happy Hump day!
PS - Tootie = booty. TBF's little nieces used to run around (they're 3) with their "tootie's" out when they were potty training, so their mom would say stop running around with your tootie out! So cute. So it stuck, butts = tooties :)
No I would probably never purchase any of those.
Wait, that's a DRESS?!
That would never fly at the law office
Hahaha, yeah I might wear the first two to work - as shirts! My company just sent out their summer dress code reminder, which included the statement, "this year, we are reinstating the allowance of work appropriate capris" - Wow, how progressive of them huh? ;)
love the shirt dresses, not so much the people that think they should advertise them as "work appropriate." where on earth do these people work?
Oh my gosh - those shirtdresses! They are SO SHORT and see-through!!!! Where do people work these days?!
I totally agree. Where was this e-mail from?
I don't know about you guys but I'd be freezing in these at work. Hello, A/C. The one in the add for the e-mail I might be able to get away with.
I definitely agree - none of those dresses are even close to work appropriate! They looked more like shirts than dresses, Yikes!
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