
Green with Etsy

Ignore the top text if you're wanting to see the fantastic Green Etsy finds!! :)

One day down. Two days to go until Thanksgiving break! I'm torn between leaving on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. I'd love to just get there on Wednesday night but it's deer hunting season in central Illinois and I really don't want to risk getting in an accident with a deer. For those of you who aren't familiar with how stupid deer are, they're extremely stupid, they run TO the headlights of cars. Awesome, huh?

Who saw DWTS last night?! They all did so well :) Of course I'm still rooting for Kelly, although she likely won't win. She's come so far! I wasn't impressed with Mya's last dance.
For those of you who aren't fans of DWTS, you're in luck, tonight is the finale which means I'll stop talking about it for awhile! Hooray!

Did anyone see Lady Gaga on Jay Leno last night? She was fabulous, check her out!

Yikes...her business almost fell out..anyone else catch that at the end?

Alright, onto the
Green with Etsy finds...

How cute is this?! $20, Etsy

Different, yes? $16, Etsy

$21, Etsy

I am about to burst with excitement over next Tuesday's post. I think you're all going to love it!! ;)


jenn said...

ok seriously - that last etsy find - the big green flower...i NEED THAT!!!

CTB said...

I don't watch DWTS, but I've been pulling for Kelly Osbourne. I think she is just so precious. I hate to hear she fell during her performance! (At least I think that's what I heard)

Those Etsy finds are divine!

Kim said...

Umm those green finds are AMAZING! That coffee cozy is adorable, love it!

Hope you had a fabulous day1

Tommy said...

Awesome green finds!

(And I am completely familiar with those damn deer. They're like kamikazes! Careful, Freck and Co!)