Here we are!
It's Valentine's Day and the last of my four L.O.V.E posts:
L is for the way you Look at me,
O is for the Only One I see,
V is Very Very extraordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore...
So I'm not really sure what to think of the last lyric, but I do know that one thing I truly adore is spending quality time, doing fun activities with the one I adore.
Dancing, yep, I'm talking anything from dance parties to receptions here. We can bust a move. I know..thank goodness I wore those spankies that day..
Boating. Thanks to papa Freck, we're able to enjoy this activity. Nothin' better than relaxing together, am I right or am I right?! No George, I'll get it! Don't you move!
Cooking. There's just something about creating a yummy and new recipe then enjoying it together with the one you adore. What? You don't sexily and perfectly swing your hair over your shoulder while you're model boyfriend/husband cooks away for you? ...oh..
Dining out. We've been trying to eat out less, so when we do, we definitely appreciate it more. So excited to dine here tonight.
Exercising, okay so maybe it's just easier for us to break a sweat together.
Traveling. Maybe not the actual transporting of ourselves (because little known fact, we seem to have bad luck when traveling home together because always get stranded for at least a day when we try to go home because our flights get canceled), but adventuring around a new place together is so fun.
A good movie. This has kind of become "our" movie. ...if you can have one..? All you need is love.
I'm going to continue trying to fight off this cold so I'm feeling better by dinner tonight.
Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!!

wow - busy day planned if you did ALL of those things! :) and so sweet what TBF wrote about you on the side. He even knew to call you a "little monster!" love it!! happy valentine's day!
I hope you get to feeling better! Happy Valentine's Day!
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