
Thanksgiving Break

Hi Friends!

Because of some recent stressful events, a loss of a relative and the Holidays being around the corner, I've decided to step away from blogging for a bit. I want to make sure to take every moment as slowly as I can and truly appreciate everything and everyone around me during this special time of year.

My recent loss of a relative has come as a bit of a surprise. She's the relative you think will stay with us forever. Her noodles, turkey and kindness were the best part of Thanksgiving, she'll always be remembered for them, and no one will be able (or try, for that matter) to duplicate them. The fact that her passing occurred right before Thanksgiving is more than just a coincidence in my mind. She was an amazing great aunt to me, and a wonderful sister, wife, and friend. She will be sorely missed.

I'll be back, but in the meantime, I humbly ask for some sweet thoughts sent my way and please, squeeze your relatives a little tighter this Holiday season.

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone :)


Freck's Friday Fancies LXVII

Posting my fancies a teensy bit late is better than not at all, right? :)

It's Fall! Duh Freck, we know it's Fall, but what is it that we love about Fall? The change of weather? Football? Boots? One of my favorite things about Fall are the leaves and how beautiful they become in different shades of yellow, orange and red. So, what are my fancies this week? Leaves.

I love 'em. Here are this week's fancies ::

Leaf and acorn necklace.

Preppy leaves!

Leafy curtains.

Jess LC's Paisley Necklace from the Diversey line kind of looks like a leaf, doesn't it?

How about some olive leaves?

Leaflike neckline anyone?

Yayy! It's Saturday :) Enjoy!


Oot and Aboot

Hi friends! Can we talk about how beautiful this weather is in Chicago?! A couple days ago I was posting about Christmas, and now I'm posting about how warm and gorgeous the weather is! I'll take it :)

Happy hump day!


I Know, It's Not Even Thanksgiving Yet.

Don't judge me. I wasn't looking for anything Christmas related, promise.

Now that that's out of the way, have you had the pleasure of browsing RikRak's Etsy store yet? I stumbled upon it while browsing Etsy yesterday and I am loving these stockings!

Hooray! Cute, right? Practical too at only $18!

Happy Monday!


Freck's Friday Fancies LXVI

IT'S FRIDAY! We did it!

Let's get right down to the Fancies, shall we?

Old Navy. Jigga-wha? Yep, Old Navy. Have you seen some of their cozy and adorable items this season? Well, then let me show you!

Ruffles, Sigh!

The almighty Queen of coziness.

I happen to have a couple pairs of these, not from Old Navy, and I love them.

Don't judge me. I just bought this from J. Crew and am loving how comfy it is. I'd rock this with skinny jeans and boots. Trust me, it's casual and adorable.

Hooray for the weekend!!!


Festive Fall Fun

November is here! You know what that means, don't you? Bring on the festive decor!

Did you see that MAC cosmetics is getting in on the festive or dare I say Holiday fun??



Happy November :)


Remember This?

This? From Field Trip on Etsy?

I finally found the perfect frame for it! See?

Also, check out the Ransom vino {on the left}! TBF is really into Ransom gin {on the right} and when he found out they made wine he picked up a bottle! It is a delicious pinot noir, I highly recommend it, it was delicious!!

Altogether now! :D

Happy Monday!!