
Yes, I'm finally posting my rehabbed dresser.

YES! Finally! So below is the before picture of TBF's old dresser. Kind of blah, has a decal of one of his favorite bands from college on it.

And here is the after!

Ok, it's not that great of a picture...

I gave it two good coats of black spray paint and painted the knobs a greenish-pearl color with some bumpy texture. I should have taken a closer picture of the knobs..woops!

Onto the close up of the flower arrangement...

The vase is stuffed with wine corks and leaves to keep the arrangement in place and stacked on some of my favorite books. :)

Here's another picture of a smaller arrangement in my dressing room/walk in closet next to my vanity mirror, favorite perfume, Lanvin (I love love love it and it can be found at Nordies), little Terracotta warrior that I got in Xi'an China, favorite article at the moment (something about how to love your job and get ahead) and some Juicy Couture post-its (which was a gift, I'd never purchase JC post-its...).

Enjoy, It's almost Friday!!!

*By the way, thank you all for your nice comments yesterday! I was totally on auto-pilot all day because I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Some of you asked if I filed a police report and if I told the dad that his daughter was wearing her ipod while driving. I didn't file a report because the accident wasn't big enough and I really just wanted to get on the road to work, and I didn't tell the dad about his daughter wearing her ipod because honestly I was so flustered that I forgot, and plus he was so mean that I didn't even want to know what he would have done to his daughter!

Thanks again :) !!*

Fender Bender This Morning

My cute post will have to wait, because guess what happened to TBF and I this morning... Guess.


We were stopped at a RED light and a girl comes rolling up in her ride and side swipes the crap out of my car. It sounded as if the entire left side of my car was going to fly off.

*Cue mass amounts of profanities by Freck here*

She then puts the car in reverse and rolls the car back (SCRAPING my car even more), TAKES OUT HER IPOD EAR BUDS (YES, she was wearing her effing ipod while driving) and rolls down the window to ask if we’re okay. YES, we are okay, but BERNIE (my car) is painfully wounded.

*Cue more profanities here*
TBF was totally calm and patient, he may have been shaken up because his side was the one that was scraped. I’m usually not a profanity yeller, but this was a special case where it was necessary. Side note – did anyone read in cosmo how it’s actually better to scream and let it all out when you’re upset?

Anyway back to the story…

We get into a parking lot where she gets out and kind of says “sorry.” I ask her for her insurance information, she looks confused and she calls her father and hands me the phone. Daddy car scraper sternly says to me “what happened” (as if TBF and I did something wrong when we were sitting stationary at a red light) and I tell him that his daughter side swiped my car (no, she didn’t tell her dad what happened, she had me do it). He sternly tells me to hand the phone back to his daughter.

After we get everything straightened out with our insurance info, the father asks the daughter to put me back on the phone. What the eff did he want now you ask? Oh, well let me tell you, he asked me to call them when/if I take my car in to get fixed, which I politely responded, yes I will call you. He then asks me AGAIN and more sternly to call them. Yes asshole, I will call you when/if I take my car in to get fixed. Do I really need to call him? Is this something most people do? He was rude, shouldn't he be apologetic? Grr..

Take that! ..No, not really, I'm just frustrated. :(

The rest is annoying and boring details.

I’m really glad it was just a side swipe and that we’re all okay. Thank goodness.

Ahhh, good morning and happy hump day everyone :)


Freck's Flower Arrangment DIY..sorta

Sooo, I didn't get all the pictures loaded of my little DIY projects over the weekend, so the detailed post will have to be moved back to tomorrow or later in the week. Luckily, I have one picture of my DIY flower arrangement. I'm bummed I didn't take pictures of all of my steps while arranging, but hey I'll do my best and explain what I did anyway.

1. Purchase flowers of choice, I bought way too many than I actually needed. I realized less is more!
2. Figure out what you'd like for the base part of the vase to be. (Rocks, leaves, marbles, sand)
3. Figure out how tall/wide you'd like for your arrangement to be. (Tall and thin? Short and wide?)

My apologies about the blurry picture, it was taken with a crackberry!

So here is the finished products. I opted for a short and round shape and stuffed the bottom of the vase with wine corks and leaves. I thought they needed a teensy bit of height so I stacked up some of my favorite books to make the flowers a little taller.

If you'd like a close up of them, I can definitely post some pics! Just let me know! :)

Going along with home and product design...

One of my favorite sites has a book coming out!!!!! I will be one of the first to purchase, you can bet on that!

"Design*Sponge is a daily website dedicated to home and product design"..and I love it.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!


Weekend Recap + Jim Sturgess

So this weekend was productive AND relaxing. There’s nothing that I love more than being in good company while doing things that I love...like finally finishing off the dresser that I rehabbed so long ago and creating flower arrangements for different spots around the apartment (pictures to come tomorrow)!

Friday night TBF and I went to a show where a new music video made by friends of friends was debuted. It was awesome and if it’s ever posted online somewhere I’ll definitely share it on here. Saturday we went to Target (used some new coupons, thanks weekend newspaper!) and JoAnn Fabrics so I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day because of all of our productivity before noon on a Saturday! That evening we went to dinner at a small, new Mexican restaurant that we’d been to once before, and it was delicious (again) and very fuzzy lovey, cozy fun. Sunday we woke up bright and early and went to mass in the burbs then came back and enjoyed an art festival that was going on a couple of blocks away from me. Good times.

The night ended with Across The Universe, a major favorite. Love me some Jim Sturgess, that piece of gorgeousness can sing to me anytime he wants. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite scenes in the movie…

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!


Freck's Friday Fancies XVII

It's Friday.

Holy toledo this makes me so happy.

It's been the longest week of my life, so I'm happy to present this week's fancies.

These tights. They're so cute!!

M+0, $10

Did anyone watch Conan last night? If you did, you'd probably fancy this item, too. A baby lion. I really want a baby lion, one that doesn't grow up (of course). It was HUGE and kind of like a golden retriever, but a feline golden retriever with massive paws. So cute and so fun!

See what I mean? Feline golden retreiver.

Beyonce at the VMAs this year. Apologies about the quality, this was the only one I could find that I could embed!

These curtains are adorable!

You've probably seen this chair everywhere, but I can't help myself, I must post it too.


Must have apps for the blackberry! This is huge because it's for a BLACKBERRY, NOT an IPHONE. Hooray!

These look refreshing, easy and delicious...

Recipe found here!

Hello fancy tie back that I'd like to have..

TGIF and have a great weekend!

**I almost forgot! AND I'm fancying Flash Forward! Yeah it's a little dramatic but I'm digging it so far!**


Love me some pumpkin spice chais

Reason number 282,383,309,309 why I love Fall.



I cannot fully explain my love for pumpkin spice chais. I love chais, iced or hot, but pumpkin spice chais are a different class. High class chais. It's like liquid crack. No I do not want a latte. I want a chai.. liquid crack. No I don't want it to have water in it like a normal chai does because I want to have even more caffeine than I should have at 3 pm on a weekday.

If you go to Starbucks, you won't see the pumpkin spice chai listed, but you will see the pumpkin spice latte. If you ask for the chai, they'll give it to you and they'll probably say ohhhh, that sounds yummy!

It is.

Yes, these are liquid calories people. So hop on that treadmill for 10 minutes.

It'll be worth it.

Now go get some deliciousness.


Gap, $39.50

Onto my next topic... I went to Gap last night and tried on some cords, I still wasn't sold. I did however buy some khakis that were on sale. KHAKIS?? yes, khakis. They were straight leg and oddly perfect so I bought them and am wearing them today with a gray, light cable knit sweater and flats. I dig it, very fall.

ALSO, is anyone going to watch Flash Forward tonight? I have a TV date with TBF tonight to watch the premiere and I'm so excited to see it!

It's almost Friday!



Alright corduroy. Let's talk. What exactly are you?
Corduroy: Corduroy is a textile composed of twisted fibers that, when woven, lie parallel (similar to twill) to one another to form the cloth's distinct pattern, a "cord." Modern corduroy is most commonly composed of tufted cords, sometimes exhibiting a channel (bare to the base fabric) between the tufts. The word "corduroy" can be used as a noun, a transitive verb, or an adjective. Corduroy is, in essence, a ridged form of velvet.
Thanks Wikipedia.

It confuses me. It’s getting colder, so it’s time to break the cords out, right? Gap is promoting their corduroy like crazy right now and I’m tempted to drop in and snatch some, but it just confuses me. What do I wear with corduroy, and in what color? Color is an entirely different story because it usually come in a random brown that’s difficult to pair with anything that isn’t a “fall” color.

Let me clarify, I love Fall, but I’m not sure I love the corduroy.

I’ve never found a pair of corduroy pants that is flattering on me, and I’m not sure if I’m willing to take the time and energy to find out. Does anyone just hands down love corduroy? I personally think pants, skirts and jackets are the only items that should be corduroy, but please, if you can prove me wrong with an item that is cute and corduroy and not pants, jeans or skirts, be my guest.

I like these I think? $54.50

Also, does anyone have a color preference? What do you wear with it? I imagine that if I wore corduroy I'd pair a dark colored pair with a maroon or navy long sleeve shirt or a light sweater and a fun scarf.

But I mean what about this brown color? See what I mean? what do you pair with that? Does anyone else think these are less flattering? I'm not digging those boots with them either...

So all in all, I guess cords aren't that confusing...but rather, its just difficult to find a flattering pair. I think I just added a pair to my shopping list.

Oh Fall, how I love you...

Happy Hump Day!


Movie Digs

I'm really digging the decor in the following movies...

The Break Up

Sex and The City

Do I even need to talk about her closet?
They're all quite different...but I love them...


Weekend Recap + Emmys

It's overcast and super chilly in the business district today! I cannot seem to get into work mode. Could either be because I haven't been in the office for a week or because TBF came downtown to have lunch with me since he has today off from work. Either way, I think I have a lonnngg week ahead of me!

I had a very nice weekend (once I started feeling better) with TBF and his family. Saturday night, he and I went to din din and then saw Love Happens with Aaron Eckart and Jennifer Aniston and it was awesome! It's not how the trailer portrays it...that's all I'll say...

Sunday was spent with TBF's fam watching the REDSKINS and BEARS win!

Did anyone watch the Emmy's last night? *Random fun fact - TBF's dad has won an Emmy!* I caught bits and pieces of it as I was cooking dinner, but I must say, I didn't like Blake Lively's dress on her,

I thought Jennifer Love Hewitt looked darling,

I thought the tribute to those who have passed away this year at the end with Sarah McLachlan was great and I was waiting on a Taylor Swift/Kanye/Beyonce spoof...was anyone else?

Happy Monday!


California Recap + Freck's Friday Fancies XVI

...and I'm back! 

..and sick as a dog. 

Needless to say I'm not at work today and stuck inside hydrating and relaxing. The trip was great, Santa Barbara is absolutely beautiful. It's good to be home and see TBF though, he greeted me with some flowers when I was practically crawling off (from being so sick and dehydrated on the plane) the L. Nice homecoming :)

SO, when I was away, I got an email from J. Crew about their NEW ARRIVALS! Need I say more? Check out my fancies this week...

I'm really digging their embellished tee's...

carnation cluster tee, $45

this cardi looks cozy and screams fall, $198

gotta love the boatneck, $168

how cute is this coat? love the buttons! $245
I'm crossing my fingers that this goes on sale soon..

divine earrings, $48

can't forget these adorable flats, $waytoomuch

Okay, I think that's all for today. Back to hydrating and watching day time television. Hopefully later today I can enjoy this gorgeous weather in the city.

TGIF! Have a great weekend!


Weekend Recap + The Limited

My weekend was fantastic! It was full of relaxing and prepping for my business trip to Santa Barbara. Holy toledo I still can't believe I'm going!

We spent a couple hours on Sunday at an outdoor mall in the burbs. It was an absolutely perfect outside so being outdoors was wonderful. I had an extremely successful trip at The Limited. I walked in wanting a couple of items (to wear in SB for an extra boost of confidence :) ) and walked out of the dressing room wanting EVERYTHING I tried on!! First time for everything?! This is what I got...

The Limited, $89.50

The Limited, $29.50
The Limited, $34.50

The Limited, $49.50

I also was searching for a professional carry-on. I don't want to risk losing my professional wardrobe on the way to a convention! Well, let me tell you, it was difficult because there are so many to choose from and they're all so expensive!! Anyone have any preferences of luggage brands?? I'm going after work today so I want to be super prepared since I leave tomorrow!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!!


Freck's Friday Fancies XV

Alright girls, let's talk sweaterdresses. I love them. Cozy, light, but you have to have the right kind of undergarments and boots/flats to go with it..am I right or am I right? Nothing screams *not cute* more than weird boots and random bulges because of the wrong undergarments ladies..
Anyway, here are some faves that I picked out from VS...(thank you VS emails...)

VS, $78

I think I've always loved this one...VS, $68

VS, $69

VS, $88

Am I allowed to say I'm not digging the over the knee boot comeback???

Happy Friday!!!!