
Freck's Festive Friday Fancies - *Halloween Edition*

Happy (almost) Halloween!!

I don't know about you, but I'm so excited it's Friday!! I don't have any concrete plans.. there are some parties, but I don't really know if I'll attend. It's been a long week!

Anyway, onto the
festive fancies!

This is kind of what my ideal Halloween would include...

Check out this faaaancy (in Chicago accent) Halloween vest I found...hopefully I'll run into someone who will be wearing this lovely item.

What's Halloween without your favorite candy?

Reese's, front and center!

and Rainbow Twizzlers. So so so good! My sister in law got me hooked on these a couple years ago. So delicious!
Can't forget caramel apples...

This is so stupid, I couldn't resist. The D-bags on Wrigley will probably be sporting this...


Pretty sure at some point I'll convince TBF to watch this..again... :)

Those darn Sanderson sisters get me every time. SISTAAAAS?!

Have a great Halloween weekend everyone!!


Everyone needs a party dress :)

In an effort to move past my frustration that I can't find my perfect pair of boots, I'm looking at some potential party dresses :) The holidays are right around the corner, so now is a great time to start looking, right?? Right!

Anthro, $168

Doesn't this one look like it'd be flattering?

Anthro, $168

Anthro, $168

Ok so this one isn't exactly a party dress, but I can't help but include it since it's so classy and Mad Men-ish :)

Anthro, $158

And why not throw on a party accessory??



Happy Thursday!!


Luscious Nordies Dresses + Random Thoughts

Hump day already?! Hooray!

Random thoughts:
  • Love the Nordies dresses below...hello decent prices. Yes, the bottom one is a little pricey, but I think it's so fun, I couldn't resist.
  • I almost cried during Dancing With The Stars last night because I thought Kelly Osbourne was going to be kicked off. No joke. She wasn't even close to being kicked off. I adore her.
  • I looooved the dance to Taylor Swift's Love Story on DWTS last night, too. I don't really love that song, but the dance was amazing. Check it out!

  • I definitely started crying during Biggest Loser when Abby requested to go home (and did). Did anyone see this?! Wow, that woman is inspirational.
  • Uh...hormonal much, Freck?
  • I'm having a serious Target itch but I know better than to go right now because there will be so many crazies there for last minute Halloween decor, candy and costumes. Which means lots of kids. Which means lots of crying and screaming. Which means I'll get annoyed and it will ruin my idea of a perfect Target trip...I digress.
  • I still love the scarves from yesterday's post. Especially the last yellow one.
  • Did I mention that I love these dresses below? ;)


Happy Hump Day!!! Halfway there :)


Weekend Recap + Before & After of DIY Mirrors!!

Hellooo everyone :)

This weekend was wonderful. You may have noticed I didn't do a
Freck Appetit this weekend, I'm starting to think perhaps I should just turn that into a "I'll post a Freck Appetit when I get a chance to try out a recipe" type of thing, rather than a committed weekend post. This weekend the post didn't work out because I didn't get the lobsters a publisher had promised that I'd get (boo, I really wanted to cook lobsters since I never have before), and brother Freck and sis-in law Freck visited the city!! It was so wonderful catching up with them and hanging out. Brother Freck is very much like me, chill, mellow, other wonderful adjectives, down to earth, his bubbly wife is as well, so I always enjoy hanging out with them. I never had a sister, but if I could have one, I'd want my sister-in-law anyway :)

Sunday, TBF had a musical themed show at a cafe near my place. We were pretty unsure as to how it'd be, but it was a great time. Aren't those the best times? You don't really have any expectations and it turns out to be a blast? Awesome. TBF also did an excellent job as usual.


Onto the Mirror DIY!

As a refresher, I grabbed two mirrors from mam and papa Freck's that they weren't using and decided to do a little rehab work to them.

Here are the two
before pictures:

And here are the
after pictures!

I think it's a hit! I like them a lot more than the gold color, that's for sure.

I cleaned the frames with a basic wetnap, cleaning cloths. I made sure the frames were dry and then covered the mirror portion with magazine pages and tape and placed the mirrors on some garbage bags. Then, I used a glossy spray paint to paint the frame. This was quite a task in my studio apartment since I didn't have much room to work with. I made sure the windows were open, but it still stunk up my apartment pretty bad. (Thanks Febreeze)

Some paint managed to creep through the magazine pages and onto the mirror. I thought the paint would be more difficult to get off, but I just grabbed a dish scrubber and some windex and went to town on the paint spots, but I made sure I was gentle so I didn't hurt the mirror.

My next task is to find a spot for the first mirror. It's pretty heavy, so I'll need to get a special hanger. As mentioned before, the second mirror's hanger is broken, so it became a little tv tray on the ottoman.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Freck's Friday Fancies XXI

Guess what?

It's raining again in the city. I meant business this morning on my commute with my bright yellow raincoat, rainboots and umbrella. Turns out all of that just made me really hot and uncomfortable. I'll never master the rain.

Anyway, onto happier things like this weeks fancies!

TBF and I FINALLY saw The Proposal last night.

I loved it!! Ryan Reynolds impressed me (and not just with his amazing body). He can be serious and hilarious. I have such a girl crush on Sandra Bullock, I think she's so gorgeous and real.

Who watched Flash Forward
last night? I'm still digging the show, I'm also digging John Cho.
Anyone else? Eat your heart out ladies.

No? Okay, TBF is Asian...maybe that's why I dig him.

Want to know what the best dry shampoos are?

Have you seen this before and after over at Design Sponge? So amazing!

Notice anything different about the upper right part of my page? My new GREEN twitter bird for my TWITTER page!! The background on the page will probably be changing every now and then because I can't settle on one:)

Last but not least, I want to cozy up in this warm, cute sweater from Anthro!



Fall clothes are the best.

Ahh, it's super disgusting and rainy in Chicago today, so I'm going to pretend (inside my cube) that it's a beautiful fall day outside.

This is what I'd probably want to be wearing...

Usually I'm against stripes, but I think I may actually get this shirt from Gap.

Did anyone see Cougartown last night? Courtney Cox was wearing a striped, long sleeve tee and jeans and looked amazing. The horizontal stripe top rule does not apply to her, so I'll pretend it doesn't apply to me either.

Then I'll put on my pair of these...


And pretend I can afford these...

and I'll be all set!!!

Isn't it fun to pretend? :)


DWTS + Starbucks Giveaway!

Did anyone see Dancing With The Stars last night? The Michael Jackson tribute was AMAZING.

Seriously, watch it


Are you dancing around or tapping your toes?

It was so good!


I lucked out and didn't get a ticket last night after I forgot to pay the meter for AN HOUR! Phew, luckyyyy! Bernie is such a trooper.


Dear long lost Displaced Southern Prep and Landlocked Tweetie, please shoot me an email because I miss reading your blogs!!


Last but certainly not least, be sure to check out Jenn from Jeans Friday's giveaway!!!

The STARBUCKS prize pack is valued at $30!!!

Happy hump day!!

Freck Appetit I

Today is going to be insanely busy at work, so I'm going to go ahead and post what was supposed to be my first Saturday Freck Appetit! I'm hoping this post will occur every weekend at some point and it will be my chance to share a recipe/meal/cocktail of choice with you that I've reviewed!

Today's recipe? Let's start simple.

Pan seared lemon salmon.

This is a great go-to that TBF and I have mastered.

  • Purchase two fresh salmon filet's from the grocery store, FRESH. None of this prepackaged business in this recipe.
  • Do the prep - de-skin (if they haven't been already) and wash gently
  • Marinade the salmon in the lemon marinade (TBF and I like Lawry's lemon pepper) for atleast 15 minutes.
  • Throw the salmon (ugly side up) on a medium/high heat pan that's been drizzled with olive oil
  • Cook 3 minutes, turn (now it's pretty side up!) and cook for another 3 minutes.

* DONE! *

Serve with some steamed veggies or our favorite - asparagus wrapped in prosciutto with feta and drizzled with olive oil. SO good.

I hope you enjoyed the first of (hopefully) many of these!

Freck Appetit!


Weekend Recap + Where The Wild Things Are!

So this weekend FLEW by.

Friday night one of my old girlfriends and I attended a very intimate comedy show where TBF was performing, (aka the comedians outnumbered the audience, it was a brand new show). So that was actually a really good time and it was great to see her.

Saturday I did some cleaning, watched some football and did not rehab my mirrors because Chicago is silly and I forgot I can't get spray paint in the city..boo, I hope to get it done this week. I also saw that my Freck Appetit did not post like I'd scheduled it to! Grr...I'll post it later this week.

That night we went bowling with some friends of ours and enjoyed yummy food and some beverages. We decided that the night would end perfectly if we all went back to an apartment and watched Hocus Pocus. I just love that movie. How do I always forget that Sarah Jessica Parker is in it?

Last night TBF and I watched the Bears lose (boo!) and we saw Where The Wild Things Are!! I have to admit, I was not super duper pumped like TBF was, but it was so good! I recommend it :)

Ahhh, that's all. See? It flew by!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Freck's Friday Fancies XX

It's Friday!!

You know what that means!!

Check out this Friday's fancies. (psssst, it's my 20th one!!)

J.Crew, $88

How hilarious is this book title?

This before and after is incredible.

I'm in love with that ottoman.

I'm really digging these Etsy decals...

Coffee, $34

Wrought iron vintage dress, $42

Winter tree, $85

How cool is this closet?

DNA closet??

I can't help myself, here's another adorable Anthro scarf :)

Anthro, $38

TGIF! Have a great weekend!

Don't forget to check out tomorrow's first Freck Appetit!